Porsche Holding

He was known as an Automotive Genius, who became Legend: Professor Ferdinand Porsche. A technician, who never stopped exploring new technological solutions. A man that developed limousines, race cars, sports cars, aviation engines, wind power plants and four wheel drive cars for several different clients and whose design office created a legendary car, which enabled mobility for millions of people all over the world: the Volkswagen Beetle, being produced 21,529,464-times until 2003.

Since 1977 the Technical University Vienna honors every 2 years outstanding automotive technicians for their creative ideas and revolutionary solutions with the “Porsche Award", the highest donated award worldwide within the automotive industry.

Concept, Creative Direction and Event Design of the "Porsche Award” in 2017, 2019 and 2021 established by the Vienna University of Technology, Porsche Holding GmbH, Salzburg and Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart.


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Porsche Holding